


official website - link
"ceramiSKIN" is an ongoing collaboration between Del Harrow and David Celento. This project explores the use of Computer Aided Design in tandem with hands on "craft-based" forming techniques towards the development of ceramic architectural elements and building cladding systems.

Acadia 2008: Silicon + Skin - link
Read article on ceramiSKIN.

Arts and Architecture Newsletter - link
PDF article about the ceramiSKIN project.

IMPC International Museum of Print and Clay

official website - link
Collective of artists that incorporate print on ceramics.

Non Fiction Design Collective

official website - link
Collective interested in merging the worlds of ceramics & printmaking and the remaking and reuse of industrial cast-offs using many different processes including CNC milling and rapid prototyping.

official blog - link

Tasman Map Project

official website - link
Web page and 3d digital “gallery” by artists Steven Goldate & Damon Moon.

Copyright Paul Mathieu © 2009

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